The youth is a significant force in society and helping them reach their potential is crucial for the integrated development of the community. They need the right motivation and skills to survive the competitive world and the confidence to shape their future. Youth should be equipped with leadership skills to reach out to others as replicable models. They need clear channels to experiment and believe in themselves.
Our Actives
ATHIRVUKAL - Vibration towards the peak
Organizing and motivating youth
Creating awareness on socio-economic, political, education, cultural, moral, and health aspects
Awareness of HIV/AIDS, TB & Anti-Tobacco programs
Motivating and conducting vocational skills
Health and Hygiene teachings
Income generation training programs
Addiction Prevention & Rehabilitation
Career guidance and job placement
Mass and individual counselling
Media Awareness
Sports & Cultural
CulturalEducation Support / Scholarships Program
- Child Development
- Women Empowerment
- Youth Development
- Aged Care
- Shelters For Homeless
- Environmental Development Activities
- Skill Development Activities ( NSDC Apporoved Centre )
- GDA – General Duty Assistant Course
- Social Welfare Programs
- Targeted Intervention – FSW – MSM – TG & Migrants
- Covid 19 Emergency Relief & Support Activities
- My Feeding India