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+91 97103 94002
MKB Nagar, Chennai - 39.

Skill Development Activities  ( NSDC Apporoved  Centre )

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  • Skill Development Activities  ( NSDC Apporoved  Centre )


Today, youth across the world face serious challenges regarding their job skills and jobs, challenges fundamentally different from those that their parents faced. In the globalized economy, competition has become intensified among firms and industries in developing and developed countries alike, requiring their workers to have higher levels of skills to enable them to engage in innovation, improve the quality of products/services, and increase efficiency in their production processes or even to the point of improving the whole value chain process. Rapid technological change demands a greater intensity of knowledge and skills in producing, applying and diffusing technologies. In turn, all these have changed the nature, contents, and types of skills that industry demands. As a result, Real Charitable Trust had organized many skill training programmes for the youth around the slums in north Chennai. We are providing skill training on Computer Automation, Computer Tally, Tailoring, Retail, Hospitality and Life Skill Training to the deprived and marginalized students.