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Real Charitable TrustReal Charitable TrustReal Charitable Trust
+91 97103 94002
MKB Nagar, Chennai - 39.

Covid 19 Emergency Relief & Support Activities

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  • Covid 19 Emergency Relief & Support Activities


The unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19 and the nationwide lock down brought a complete bring to a standstill to the normal life of everyone. The community people such as daily wage workers and the marginalized suffered a lot due to this lock down with their FAMILIES and CHILDREN.

While Chennai in Tamilnadu is the most horrible hit of COVID-19 positive cases, we call all to support us to help the community people of daily wage labourers, marginalized communities who are suffering a lot for FOOD and OTHER ESSENTIALS during this lock down period, with the support various partners, helped the COVID-19 affected people with dry rations and other essential things.