Every child has the right to live with dignity and the right to have better care, education, and health It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to create a friendly milieu to enable children to reach their full potentials.
Our Actives
Centre for Children - ARUMBUGAL
Intervention program in the formal schools
Promoting Child rights and Health Awareness
Prevention of Child Labour
Evening Supplementary education
Education materials distribution
Day Care Centre For Waste Pickers Children
Formation of Children Sangam (Group) & Children Parliament
- Child Development
- Women Empowerment
- Youth Development
- Aged Care
- Shelters For Homeless
- Environmental Development Activities
- Skill Development Activities ( NSDC Apporoved Centre )
- GDA – General Duty Assistant Course
- Social Welfare Programs
- Targeted Intervention – FSW – MSM – TG & Migrants
- Covid 19 Emergency Relief & Support Activities
- My Feeding India